Where to start??? I received a package from Frownies and was excited to try their products for myself. Before I begin this journey, I will tell you a little bit about the company itself. This is such an intriguing story. I am going to give you a quick summary but the whole story you something you should really read.
In 1889 Margaret Kroesen discovered that her daughter Alice, a concert pianist, had developed unsightly wrinkles and frown lines. With a desire to maintain her youthful beauty and stage presence, Mrs. Kroesen created Wrinkle Eradicators (as they were first called) by employing the basic principle of fitness to the muscles of the face.
Several year later after the death of her husband Mrs. Kroesen became Managing Director for B & P which she bought out. As owner, she offered only her Wrinkle Eradicators and skin treatments.
Alice Laumer, Mrs. Kroesen's daughter, joined the business to help with the growing sales. After Alice's death, Mrs. Kroesen remained at the helm of the company until her own passing in 1962.
Following her mother and grandmother in business, Margaret Wright (named after her grandmother) redesigned and updated the packaging for Frownies, never altering the formula which had proven so effective.
Frownies remained, at the time, a well-kept beauty secret between Broadway and Hollywood stars and makeup artists. Olivia de Havilland ordered Frownies, and had them sent to her at hotels all over the world. Gloria Swanson wore them in Sunset Boulevard, one of the greatest movies about Hollywood ever made and the infamous Kennedy women wrote letters to B & P Company ordering Frownies.
Now, more than a century since they were created, Mrs. Wright still oversees the operations of the company, but her daughter-in-law, Kathy Wright, is now taking her turn as the fourth generation woman helping preserve the faces of women and men everywhere.
Frownies box has changed, but the 120 year-old patch technology remains intact while the FROWNIES line has extended into natural bio-available skin treatments and a manual to instruct and inform women about beauty and wellness from the inside out.
After trying these products, I am so excited to share this review with you.
I started my routine at night time since it was late afternoon when I received the package. I cleansed my face with Frownies ph Balancing Complexion Wash which is a natural treatment to help minimize pores and tone skin. It takes less than a dime size amount to cleanse and remove any dry dead skin cells.
I proceeded to tone my face with Rose Water Hydrator/Toner which will compliment the pH balance of the skin and further reduce pore size as it begins to plump fine lines and wrinkles. I love this stuff! Rose Water from essential oil of rose is antibacterial wrinkle treatment and helps prevent blemishes on the skin. It is a wonderfully refreshing pick up after exercising, during air travel or anytime a warm dry environment threatens to dehydrate and age skin.
Frownies Hydrator Spray was created to enhance the effectiveness of Frownies Facial Patches and is also used to activate the back of the night time patches and soften the Under Eye Patches for storage and repeat use while adding an antioxidant treatment to the skin.
Next I hydrated my skin and applied antioxidants by using Immune Perfect which helps prevent skin wrinkling and fights the conditions leading to skin cancer. Relax and gently massage lines and wrinkles to stimulate circulation and help to relax the muscles of your face as you are using Immune Perfect. Allow Immune Perfect to absorb into the skin before applying Frownies facial patches for deeper expression lines between the eyes and on the forehead or corner of the mouth and corner of the eyes. Also use Frownies Under the Eye Patches for dark circles, fine lines and puffy under eyes after the application of Immune Perfect.
I preceeded to the next step by appling Immune Shield to under eye and eye lid area then put on the Frownies Eye Gels to cover wrinkles and bags. You can reuse your patches if you remove them within 30 minutes and place back into a sealed plastic bag and refrigerate. I love reusing products! This step took me a little bit gettting used to. I wanted to get most of the wrinkles close to my eyes but have a problem when something gets that close to them. After a couple attempts I mastered it. Trust me, the Eye Gels works wonders. After using for 25 minutes(wanted to make sure I was under the 30 minutes) just 1 time, I immediately saw a tremendous difference. Don't forget, this is nightime and my bags and dark circles were really showing. I was really amazed at the difference! I even used them above my eyelids because I loved the results and cooling effect. The immune building properties in the Eye Gels help protect the DNA and firm skin, reduce fine lines and helps lighten dark spots. Just before applying make-up for a special event is a good time to do a 30 minute treatment as well. Re-wet the patch with Rose Water Hydrator to keep it active for as many uses as you can before it dissolves. I have used mine many many times and they are still holding up.
The combination of Frownies Eye Gel Patch and Immune Shield with active vitamin E serum are amazing. Immune shield is 40% whole vitamin E serum from organic whole oats. The most difficult skin conditions like adult acne, dry irritations and fine lines around the mouth and under the eyes respond to Immune Shield. Vitamin E in Immune Shield will soften wrinkles, penetrate deep to promote softer younger looking skin. Immune Shield's Vitamin E matrix is the most bio-available Vitamin E product on the market today. Because of vitamin E’s healing anti-inflammatory properties a little can be blotted on any pimple or blemishes to promote blemish drying and healing. Acne can be helped by vitamin E in a bio- active form. Immune Shield is perfect for prevention or treatment of stretch marks on the skin as well as scars. If you have used vitamin E in the past you will not see the sticky residue like other vitamin E products; Immune Shield penetrates completely and goes to work immediately. To me, this is absolutely one of the best products I have ever used.
My final step for the night was the Frownies Forehead and Between Eyes and Frownies Corners of Eyes and Mouth. You moisten the shinny side of the paper patch with Rose Water Hydrating Spray and use 2 finger of one hand to gently spread and smooth lines away and put the patches on and hold for 15 seconds so the patch sticks to the skin. You should wear them for at least 3 hours but the best results happen when you wear them overnight. I honestly believe that you can tell they are working because your skin starts to tighten when you raise your eyebrows or twitch your nose or move your mouth. Smiling, speaking and just talking produces lines from the corner of the nose to the corner of the mouth in some women. When this muscle is pushed back away from the mouth the cheeks and lips lose support creating what is sometime called a marionette lines. Frownies Corner of Mouth patch splints this muscle and lifts it back into is supportive position. Immune Perféct under the patch accelerates the healing and Immune Shield after you remove the patch supplies Vitamin E serum to build skin integrity. I have to tell you after I had them on, I went and gave my husband a kiss and his eyes went big and he asked me "what is that"? lol. The next morning my husband said he could tell a difference already. I know I could and I absolutely love these little things even though I wasn't the best looking thing to look at while wearing them!
Speaking of morning, it was time to take off the patches. You completely saturate them with warm water to reactivate adhesive and gently remove. You cleanse your face as you did the night before with the Frownies ph Balancing Complexion Wash. Then you hydrate and apply antioxidants to protect your skin throughout the day with Immune Perfect.
FROWNIES have been called the easiest wrinkle reducer by Good Housekeeping Magazine. I learned several things while reviewing Frownies. Never use hot water on your face as it destroys collagen and dry the skin. Always include your neck and chest in your cleansing routine as these areas are are tell tell signs of your age.
One the 3rd morning as I was taking the patches off, my husband tells me "Turn around" which I did and then he preceeded to say "Baby, You don't have anymore lines" (he would never refer to them as wrinkles) lol. He is much to considerate for that. That made me extremely excited that he noticed after just 3 days. But for the record, I looked closely and there were some faint wrinkles left. I really thought at this point...just a couple more times? maybe? Well, I will be getting back to you and letting you know then.
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After 3 uses of Frownies! |
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After 5 uses! |
After 1 week! |
A BIG Thank You to Frownies for giving one (1) of my readers a the same collection I received-Vintage Pink Products!
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