Product to Review: STL Ocarina
Product Information: The ocarina is an ancient instrument. The first known ocarina-like instrument appear about 12000 years ago. The ocarina’s origins can be traced back to many different cultures. In South and Central America, the Mayans, Aztecs, and Incas all developed and performed on clay ocarinas which were often shaped like birds or animals. Ocarinas shaped like birds and animals could also be found in India as early as 5000 BC. China had its own form of ocarina called a Xun which was more rounded and egg-like in shape.

St. Louis Ocarina was established in 2005 to help revive interest in the art of ocarina playing.
Their ocarinas have appeared with major symphony orchestras under the direction of such notable conductors as Pierre Boulez and Michael Tilson Thomas and have been used in performances with the New World Symphony, the Atlanta Symphony, Chicago Symphony and most recently, the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra in their holiday concerts.

Not only do they strive to provide the highest quality instruments, they are also committed to helping each of us in our path to mastering the ocarina whether you are a seasoned professional or are picking up an ocarina for the first time.

My Opinion: My 9 year old grandson and 8 year old granddaughter just love playing their STL Ocarina! We received 2 of them so it was perfect. They have learned several of the songs in the song book that we received also. We received a 12 Hole plastic tenor ocarina and a 12 Hole ceramic ocarina, along with the 12 Hole Method Book and a demonstration CD.
***Please note that I received no form of monetary compensation for this review. I received the product(s) described above. This is a fair and honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own and were not influenced in any way.***
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